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Showing posts from December, 2019

Read Only connection to a production node

Hi guys! Today's post is a common on-the-job scenario. In my environment we have a reporting server so analysts can query databases without impacting production. However, the reporting server doesn't have all the same databases that are in production. Once in a while, I will receive a request to grant permissions directly to the production node instead of the reporting server to write queries against a database that is only in production. Here's the easy way to accomplish that. Open SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio). On the 'Connect To Server' Tab, click the 'Options>>' button. Then under the 'Additional Connection Parameters' area, enter: applicationintent=readonly and hit the 'Connect' button. That's it. Now the user can connect to prod with a read only connection. If you have any further questions, please post below. Thank you and Happy reading, -marshé hutchinson #learnSQLwithme