Hi guys! This post is simply on TSQL permissions. Specifically, how to script out users and logins. Users are specific to a SQL server instance while Logins can be used across a domain (via Active Directory). Let's get started on how to script users. This script has only one step. --Check if ##stage tables exists, and if it does, drop it If exists ( Select name from tempdb..sysobjects where name = '##scriptlogins' ) Drop Table ##scriptlogins Go --Create table that lists all staging tables to be purged Create table ##scriptlogins (listid int identity ( 1 , 1 ), script nvarchar ( max )); Insert into ##scriptlogins SELECT 'Use [' +[ name ]+ ']' + char ( 13 ) + char ( 10 ) + ' If exists (Select name from tempdb..sysobjects where name = ''##Users'') Drop Table ##Users If exists (Select name from tempdb..sysobjects where name = ''xcur'') close xcur create table ##users ( r